I have a website. Why would I start a blog?
For one simple reason. It is easier to add entries!!
Basically, I don't have the time to keep changing my website. Websites are really rather static - especially if you try to keep them simple and you have a staff of one to maintain them. Add to that the fact that that "one" also does all the work - consulting, bookkeeping, marketing, and everything else including dusting and vacuuming, then you realize there just isn't enough time to do it all.
As a result the website stays pretty much unchanged over time. From time to time it gets overhauled - as it just did to introduce a new service. You can visit it now to see www.pacheco-computer.com.
But, blogging allows me to add entries as quickly as I can type them - from anywhere I happen to be connected. No special software, just a special website. I have used www.blogspot.com for my blog.
Now, I will be able to write about almost anything that I want, my new services, some software tips, reviews of software, opinions about anything technical - basically anything I want. And I won't have to use a web designing package, or an HTML editor. I can just type it in, spell check it (hopefully) and publish it. So much easier and more fun.
Hope you visit often and read it frequently.
Talk to you soon!